Hello! I'm Jim Hegyi, the webmaster for the canoestories site. I hope you enjoyed some of the stories and perhaps found information that will help plan your own trip.
I've been paddling for about twenty-five years, and started the canoestories site in 1997. I'm finding that much time is spent keeping the site updated with stories from new (and sometimes prolific) amateur canoe journalists.
I live with my family in New Berlin, Wisconsin - a suburb of Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA. Like many people that live and work in the city, I only get to canoe a few times each year.
After six years I've retired from being Cubmaster of Pack 595, Saint Rita Church, West Allis, Wisconsin. Last year I joined Troop 595 as the Committee Chairman. At AT&T I work to support technicians and managers that keep a part of our telephone and internet service up and running. I enjoy writing, speaking about canoeing and scouting, making canoe packs and repairing tents, bicycle touring and doing whatever my two grandsons find amusing.
My three year old grandaughter keeps me up to speed on many subjects - Mickey Mouse Club (I've watched 83 episodes), the Milwaukee County Zoo (15 visits this year), bouncing down the steps on yer behind (good practice for how to fall on a portage), play dough, The Cat in the Hat, Little Bear and dozens of other things she directs me to do.
you found any of my stories useful in planning your next trip, or
if you have any questions about the routes I describe on the
site, please let me know!